Wat is die faktore wat verband hou met die veroudering van grootmaatsakke?

Tipe D grootmaat sakke

Bulk bags is a kind of heavy weight packaging. It is very convenient to use grootmaat sakke in the transportation of bulk materials. As gevolg van die invloed van grootmaatsakke, die aantal gebruike sal beperk word, veral faktore sal veroorsaak dat die grootmaat sakke verouder. Let’s analyze the causes of the aging of grootmaat sakke.

1, ultraviolet light of the sun
2, photooxidation
3, artificial aging
4, natural aging

It can be known that the aging of bulk bags is caused by many factors, at the same time, is also affected by temperature. In addition, climate differences in different regions and different years will also increase the use time of bulk bags products. Therefore, the use of bulk bags should be more careful. If it is used for a short period of time, there is no problem with sun and rain. In consideration of long-term use, it is necessary to pay attention to the sunscreen and rainproof such as rain tarpaulin.
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