Notas vir ton sak en Sling konvergensie
ton sak word hoofsaaklik met grootmaat gelaai,korrel- of verpoeierde items, die fisiese digtheid van die inhoud en die mate van lakse effek op die algehele resultate verskil duidelik.
ton sak word hoofsaaklik met grootmaat gelaai,korrel- of verpoeierde items, die fisiese digtheid van die inhoud en die mate van lakse effek op die algehele resultate verskil duidelik.
1, ton bag raw materials to semi-finished products, semi-finished products if you need to calculate the cost, then you need to be semi-finished products as the first stage of the production cost of production with the production cost of the collection occurred subjects, then the number of semi-finished finished and finished standard distribution, calculate ton bag semi-finished costs.
Anti-ultraviolet ton bags, dit wil sê, anti-ultraviolet container bags, used for storage and storage of chemical products, as shown in the figure, PTA container bag is a kind of chemical container bag. It is a packaging material designed by the characteristics of chemical raw materials. In addition to the requirements of load-bearing properties, it is generally required to ensure the…
The normal size of a ton bag is Dimensions of 100 * 100 * 100 of 95 * 95 * 100 of 90 * 90 * 120 (in cm) are commonly used.
Hexi Nywerheidspark, Weizhou Town, Jingxing County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, Sjina 050300