በጃምቦ ቦርሳ ምርት ውስጥ ግንኙነት ማቋረጥ አይፈቀድም።
የጃምቦ ቦርሳ አምራቾች በጃምቦ ቦርሳ ማምረት ሂደት ውስጥ, ብዙ ሂደቶች አሉ, በየትኛው ሂደት ውስጥ የስዕል ሂደት ነው, የሽቦው ስፋት እና መለስተኛ ውዝግብ የጃምቦ ሻንጣ ጥራትን በቀጥታ ይወስናል, የጃምቦ ቦርሳ ስዕል ሂደትን ለመረዳት ብዙ የከረጢት አምራቾች ይወስዱዎታል. በሚስሉበት ጊዜ, extrusion ጊዜ…
የጃምቦ ቦርሳ አምራቾች በጃምቦ ቦርሳ ማምረት ሂደት ውስጥ, ብዙ ሂደቶች አሉ, በየትኛው ሂደት ውስጥ የስዕል ሂደት ነው, የሽቦው ስፋት እና መለስተኛ ውዝግብ የጃምቦ ሻንጣ ጥራትን በቀጥታ ይወስናል, የጃምቦ ቦርሳ ስዕል ሂደትን ለመረዳት ብዙ የከረጢት አምራቾች ይወስዱዎታል. በሚስሉበት ጊዜ, extrusion ጊዜ…
4 principles of jumbo bags design Jumbo bags in the design according to the density of the goods(በእቃዎቹ ጥግግት በጃምቦ ሻንጣዎች ኢኮኖሚያዊ እና ተመጣጣኝ መጠን ላይ ሊሰላ ይችላል)እና ግዛት (ዱቄት የሚያፈስ ማረጋገጫ ይፈልጋል,ያለ ፍሳሽ ማረጋገጫ), የጭነቱን ክብደት የያዘ, but also consider the distance of transport and how many times of…
በዕለት ተዕለት ኑሯችን, የጃምቦ ሻንጣ የእኛ ማሸጊያ ዋና የምርት ቁሳቁስ ሆኗል, የጃምቦ ሻንጣ ጭነት እና ውጥረት በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው,አንድ አይነት ሻንጣ የተለያዩ ደንበኞች አንድ አይነት ምርት የሚጭን ጭነት ለምን አይጫኑም, በየትኛው ሂደት ውስጥ የስዕል ሂደት ነው, and how to prevent jumbo bag after loading does not fry the bag….
በዕለት ተዕለት ኑሯችን, የጃምቦ ሻንጣ የእኛ ማሸጊያ ዋና የምርት ቁሳቁስ ሆኗል, የጃምቦ ሻንጣ ጭነት እና ውጥረት በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው 100 pounds. We know that the use of cement as an important building materials, the amount is very large, small bags of cement, although very convenient to use, but…
Home in the purchase of goods will have a special shopping bag,and the goods will be packaged with a special bag, then the bulk powder granular material needs to use what kind of bag to package it? This time we have to mention jumbo bag. jumbo bag belongs to a flexible transport packaging container,use it as a powder, የጅምላ…
About jumbo bag this high quality and high frequency of use of packaging products,there is a problem is inevitable, and these problems infix line is one of the very important issues, and how to deal with it has become our urgent need Oh. Disconnection is jumbo bag sewing often encountered problems, suture quality does not meet the request,…
The performance of the jumbo bag is very good, so it is widely used. But not all of the jumbo bags are the same, some of them have exclusive performance. So today, we come to understand several industry-specific jumbo bags and their application characteristics.
The products of jumbo bag manufacturers have strict requirements when they store them. Only when they comply with their requirements, can they better use them and give full play to the performance of the products. Here, the jumbo bag factory details the storage methods in summer.
የጅምላ ዱቄት ቁሳቁሶችን ለመላክ ለማመቻቸት ቶን ቦርሳዎች, በትልቅ ድምጽ, ቀላል ክብደት እና ሌሎች ባህሪያት, የሚከተለው የጃምቦ ቦርሳ ፋብሪካ የቶን ቦርሳ አቧራ ማስወገጃ ሂደትን እውቀት ለማስተዋወቅ
It is a great event for manufacturers to pack and transport products. If good products are not properly loaded and transported, they may be polluted or leaked, resulting in losses.
jumbo bag factory introduces the leak-proof design of jumbo bag:
jumbo bag of raw materials: fabric, the sling should be improved, jumbo bag suture should be particularly strong, to strengthen the use of sewing.
People who have used jumbo bags must know that there is a strap on the jumbo bag for easy lifting. Sling plays a vital role in the lifting process, so jumbo bag manufacturers in the design of the strap should be enough attention. So how to design a sling is enough science?
Hexi የኢንዱስትሪ ፓርክ, ዌይዙ ታውን, ጂንግኪንግ ካውንቲ, ሺጂያዙንግ, ሄቤይ, ቻይና 050300