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የቶን ቦርሳ የፋብሪካ ዋጋ ስሌት

ቶን ቦርሳ

1, የቶን ቦርሳ ጥሬ ዕቃዎች በከፊል የተጠናቀቁ ምርቶች, ወጪውን ማስላት ከፈለጉ በከፊል የተጠናቀቁ ምርቶች, ከዚያም ከፊል የተጠናቀቁ ምርቶች መሆን ያስፈልግዎታል እንደ መጀመሪያው ደረጃ የምርት ዋጋ ከስብስቡ የምርት ዋጋ ጋር የተከሰቱ ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች., ከዚያም በከፊል የተጠናቀቁ እና የተጠናቀቁ መደበኛ ስርጭት ብዛት, ቶን ቦርሳ ከፊል የተጠናቀቁ ወጪዎችን አስላ.

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

Jumbo bag complete to the client

የጃምቦ ሻንጣ ጭነት እና ውጥረት

In late December 2019, domestic customers consult our business manager about the jumbo bag and quickly confirm the order, customized products of different sizes.

After a period of production, the product was completed in mid-April.

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

Two unloading methods of jumbo bag

የጃምቦ ሻንጣ ጭነት እና ውጥረት

Jumbo bag is a product that is often used in large-scale logistics. We should also pay attention to its unloading methods when using it. What are the two common unloading methods? The following is a brief report from the co-author of the magazine:

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

What are the advantages of the Cloverleaf sling bag?

ክሎቨርሌፍ ወንጭፍ ሻንጣ

ወንጭፍ ሻንጣ: sling bag is a new product, the current foreign to start using, sling bag packing operation method can be used in the sling bag, sling bag sales of manufacturers, sling bag can replace other pallets, sling bag color most of them are white-based, but also a small amount of yellow sling bag.

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

What are the advantages of making jumbo bags from non-woven fabrics?

ጃምቦ ቦርሳዎች

ለምሳሌ, many enterprises use non-woven fabrics to sew container bags. What are the advantages of making jumbo bags from non-woven fabrics? Non-woven fabric (polyester non-woven fabric, non-woven fabric) is also known as geotextile, which is a kind of permeable geosynthetic material and is formed by needling or weaving synthetic fibers. Burning wool non-woven fabric has

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

Strap design knowledge of jumbo bag

የጃምቦ ሻንጣ ጭነት እና ውጥረት

People who have used jumbo bags must know that there is a strap on the jumbo bag for easy lifting. Sling plays a vital role in the lifting process, so jumbo bag manufacturers in the design of the strap should be enough attention. So how to design a sling is enough science?

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ